All donations to Sammie's Friends go to the direct support of animals at the Nevada County Animal Shelter.
Care of this type has reduced the euthanasia rate as it makes the animals adoptable. (People are hesitant to adopt an animal if they are immediately faced with a large vet bill.) In 2001 the euthanasia rate at the shelter was almost 68%. By the end of 2006, the rate was down to 2% (because of the volunteer program and the veterinary care program created by the founders).
Sammie’s Friends assumed management of the Shelter in 2010 and the euthanasia rate has decreased further to less than 1% (.00019%) Our medical program, the volunteer program and social media have been major factors in this reduction. The funds to support our veterinary program come from our thrift store, Sammie's Nifty Thrift, many monetary donations from the community and beyond, grants that we write for and events and estates.
Many thanks to all who help in this endeavor.

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Sammie's Friends
14647 McCourtney Road
Grass Valley, CA. 95949
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